Yes! You heard it right! They are baked... these beauties are not fried, not this time around... :)
This recipe is dedicated to my cousin H. I promised her one for her bridal shower and never got around giving it to her. I wanted to make something healthful, an Indian dessert and one that I could create just for her. I have tried this recipe a couple of times once from a ready made mix and another time from scratch. Both have turned out very well. So here is the recipe for you my dear H...
Note: The jamun balls once placed in the oven needs your utmost care and patience. This recipe switches between baking and broiling in your oven. When you turn the broil mode on, you cannot take your eyes off the oven. It takes just seconds to burn them, so giving you all a heads up.

Baked Gulab Jamun
For the Jamun:
Khova powder/Mava powder - 1 cup
All purpose flour - 1/2 cup
Ghee/Clarified butter - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Cardamom - 1/4 tsp
Skim Milk - 2 tbsp (just enough to make a stiff dough)
For the Sugar Syrup:
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Water - 1/4 cup
Corn Syrup - 2 tbsp
Rose essence - 1/4 tsp
Cardamom - 1/4 tsp
Saffron - For garnish
Preheat oven to 375F.
For the sugar syrup, Place a pot on medium heat, add sugar, water and corn syrup and let it boil till it reaches a syrupy consistency. The corn syrup prevents the sugar from crystallizing. You can omit this if you are familiar with making this kind of syrup. Switch off the flame and add the cardamom and rose essence. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients listed under "Jamun" and knead well to make a stiff dough. Make small balls and place on a greased baking sheet. Place the tray in a pre-heated 375F oven. Bake the jamun balls till they are very lightly brown on the bottom. Just around that time, switch the oven to broil mode and let the jamuns get golden brown on the top. Make sure to keep a constant look on the tray, as the broil mode in an oven typically reaches 500F, and will burn the jamuns in no time. This should take about 2 minutes or less.
Once the jamuns are brown on both sides as shown in the picture, take them out and plop them into the sugar syrup and let it soak. You may make more sugar syrup if you like, the recipe that I have given makes just enough to soak the jamuns. It was my way of not adding too much sugar into the recipe.
Allow to cool completely and enjoy.